Spine Surgery Cases

Mark F.
June 17, 2015
Mark is a 51-year-old businessman from Pennsylvania who is an avid mixed martial arts (MMA) participant. He sought the care of Dr. Lehman and flew to St. Louis, MO, when his arm started to become weak and was unable to ... Read More...

Randy H.
June 17, 2015
Randy H. is a 62-year-old gentlemen who was confined to a wheelchair and unable to lift his arms to his face to scratch his nose. He was being seen at the Veterans Administration (VA) hospital and was set to undergo ... Read More...

Mike C.
June 17, 2015
This was a 48-year-old Fireman and Paramedic who was having difficulty climbing up ladders and carrying his equipment. He initially presented with significant low back pain and leg numbness. Upon examination and questioning during his initial visit, Dr. Lehman was ... Read More...

Jackie N.
June 09, 2015
Jackie N. was a very active 71-year-old gentleman who exercised six days a week until his spinal stenosis (pressure on the nerves) became so bad that he was unable to walk more than a few blocks. Unfortunately, he did not improve ... Read More...

Marion G.
June 05, 2015
Marion G. is a 74-year-old woman who had surgery performed by another surgeon. After a short time, she began to experience severe back and leg pain, and drove from Michigan to see Dr. Lehman so he could assess her spine. After performing ... Read More...