Spine Courses with Dr. Ronald A. Lehman, Jr.
Pearls of Modern Spine Surgery: Why Is OLIF the Best Choice?
Webinar Series: Pearls of Modern Spine Surgery: Making the Complex Simpler
Webinar Title: Why is OLIF the Best Choice?
Where: Live—Online Webinar
When: July 29, 2020; 7:00 PM EST
Wednesday, July 29th | The Pearls of Modern Spine Surgery continues, as we discuss the OLIF procedure. The Anterior to the Psoas approach has quickly become the “go to” for laterally based surgery given its power for correction, ability for indirect decompression and mostly for its safety profile over other laterally based surgeries.
Pearls of Modern Spine Surgery: Correcting Coronal Imbalance
Webinar Series: Pearls of Modern Spine Surgery: Making the Complex Simpler
Webinar Title: Correcting Coronal Imbalance with the Kickstand Screw-rod Construct
Where: Live—Online Webinar
When: July 15, 2020; 7:00 PM EST
Wednesday, July 15 | Free webinar on learning how to correct the Coronal plane. We will outline the use of the kickstand rod technique as popularized by Lawrence Lenke, MD.